06/08/2017 • 00h00

Saturday Grand Prix Champions!

Sedutor Gold win the GP National Creation and Thru Separist wins the GP Pres. From ABQM

Winner of Sedutor Gold at the 2017 National Creation GP

Great final day at the Jockey Club of Sorocaba. So it was Saturday, August 5, full of celebrations. The 11th match showed the final match of the National Prize for National Creation for 3-year-old QM animals in the 301 meters, winning as an animal of breeding and ownership of Haras São Matheus: Sedutor Gold arrived in 1690 by driving R. Pereira with training Of MC Cruz. The sorrel is the son of Gold Medal Jess and Beleevn (Chicks Beduino)  and received the prize of $ 63 thousand. The total grant of the GP was R $ 100 thousand.

In second place came Caxambu For Me JQM (Corona For Me x Half Time Attraction - First Down Dash), with 16s996. He is the founder of Haras Jaguaruana and owned by Clodoaldo Miranda.

TheSeparatist won the GP Pres. From ABQM - II Derby

The winner of GP Pres. Of ABQM "Mr. Fabio Pinto da Costa "- II Derby, in the 365 meters, for animals QM with 4 years or more, was The Separatist (Separatist x Thru Rebas Eyes - Fishers Dash), that crossed the line of arrival in 19883, being also piloted by the jockey R. Pereira, with training of R. Nascimento. This zaino of 4 years is created by Luciano Alves de Oliveira and owned by Álvaro C. de Barros Parada. The first place prize was R $ 63,000 and the total prize pool was R $ 100,000.

 Second, Moustache Gold SA (Gold Medal Jess x Atacama Bryan SA - Blazen Bryan), created by Gianni Franco Samaja and owned by Carlos Godoy. His time was 19s900, being led by J.D. Pereira with training of M.B. Sampaio.


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